The Ponca City Art Association (PCAA) Executive Director Terron Liles had provided a presentation during a “Starving Artist” luncheon over some of the economic impact that the arts have brought to Ponca City.

PCAA was established to enrich the cultural life in Ponca City by promoting, teaching, and nourishing the creation and appreciation of the visual arts.

Arts and culture has put $5 million into the local and state economy. Arts and culture in Ponca City supports 112 jobs, paid $2.3 million in household income, and generated $158,000 in revenue for local government.

“There are so many reasons to support the arts in Ponca City. Arts and culture in this community puts over $5 million annually into our state and local economy,” said Terron Liles. “Research also shows that exposure to the Arts can help youth develop many positive skills and capacities that are valued by leaders and employers, such as persistence, collaboration, creative thinking, problem solving, and motivation. An investment in the arts is a direct investment in Ponca City.” PCAA has made several recent accom

PCAA has made several recent accomplishments of note. They’ve added a new handicap accessible studio space and 1,000 square foot gallery; they’ve hosted the 47th Annual Ponca City Arts Festival; PCAA has entered into a monthly film series in partnership with the Poncan Theatre; awarded $1800 in scholarships to their annual youth summer art camp; and established a partnership with Ponca City Public Schools to offer 8th grade arts education. PCAA was also host to the Leadership

PCAA was also host to the Leadership Ponca City’s Arts and Culture Day held on Wednesday, Dec. 8. An event that saw leaders from around the community give information and tours on various galleries, collections and art institutes in Ponca City.

Information on how to support PCAA can be found on their website at www. or by calling at 580-765-9746.