Textile Sculptures by Lauren Pruen Preserve Elegant Botanical Specimens Under Glass — Colossal


#Lauren Pruen

December 9, 2022

Grace Ebert

A photo of a botanical sculpture in a cloche

All images © Lauren Pruen

Protected under tall glass cloches, Lauren Pruen’s botanical specimens sprout from root to bloom. The artist shapes thin strips of wire into tubers and stems that hold fabric florals, which she sometimes paints for variation in leaf color and added detail. Each delicate sculpture is an ode to natural life forms and the biological studies of centuries past, recreated as precious three-dimensional specimens worth preserving. Find more of Pruen’s ferns, lilies, and other works on her site and Instagram.


A detail photo of a botanical sculpture with roots connecting to an embroidery hoop

A photo of a botanical sculpture in a cloche

A photo of a botanical sculpture in a cloche

A photo of a floral botanical sculpture

A photo of a botanical sculpture in a cloche

A photo of a botanical sculpture in a cloche

A photo of a botanical fern sculpture

A photo of a clover sculpture

A photo of a botanical sculpture with lilies

#Lauren Pruen


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