
KIDS are embracing the opportunity to learn about self portraiture. Bathurst Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) is offering Saturday art workshops for kids aged eight to 12 years, with the activities based around the current exhibition, Adrienne Doig: It’s all about me! BRAG educator Lucy Smith, a recent university graduate, led her first workshop on Saturday. She helped the children to create their own self portrait collages using scrap paper and other materials. They also got to see the Doig exhibition. “At the beginning we spent about 15 minutes walking around. I was explaining the works to them and they were asking questions,” Ms Smith said. ALSO MAKING NEWS: Vision for observatory becoming a reality thanks to grant At the end of the workshop, a mural was created on the wall and the kids had an opportunity to take some of their work home. BRAG will hold three more kids workshops over the coming Saturdays. Workshops cost $15 for BRAG members and $20 for non-members and need to be boked in advance via EventBrite. Ms Smith said it’s a great opportunity to expose kids to art at a young age, something she thinks is essential. “It’s very important. They are so young and at their peak learning and to learn about art at that stage is quite imperative,” she said.
