A man walks past Landmark's Main Art Theatre on Main Street in downtown Royal Oak on Tuesday, June 4, 2019.

There are many ways to measure the affection of metro Detroit film lovers for Royal Oak’s now-closed Main Art Theatre. For Jason Krzysiak, it was a matter of walking distance.

When the dedicated film fan and his wife were preparing to buy a house in Pleasant Ridge to raise their family, he figured out how long it would take to travel by foot to the Royal Oak cinema that specialized in independent films.

“It was about a 20-minute walk. … And I was like: ‘You know what? That’s an acceptable amount of time,'” he recalls

For Krzysiak, now the father of three teenagers, and other members of the grassroots Friends of the Main Art Theatre, reaching their goal of reopening the theater will take much, much longer — if it happens at all.