Get ready for ‘Art Detour,’ Arizona’s month-long celebration of art.

The event’s gala Art d’Core is tagged as “the art and culture party of the year” by Phoenix’s Artlink Inc. — and there are good reasons that just might be the case.

The 31 days of festivities — hosted by the founders of Phoenix’s First Friday — features more than 300 arts events and exhibitions across the Valley, including  ArtLink’s 9th annual Art d’Core Gala and exhibitions at galleries across the state. Others events include the Oak Street Mural Festival off of 16th Street, the World Champion Hoop Dance Contest hosted by the Heard Museum and The Garment  League’s On Central Fashion + Art Weekend.

“Art Detour is truly a celebration of the full breadth and depth of the arts and culture community,” ArtLink Inc. CEO and President Catrina Kahler said.